Submit a Session Proposal
Proposal Submissions for the 2024 NC Community College System Conference are now closed. Speakers approved for sessions will be notified of their approval by August 1.
Theme: The Extraordinary 58: Paving the Way for Economic Mobility & Successful Futures
Tracks are aligned with the NCCCS Strategic Plan. Topics include:
- Faculty and Staff Recruitment and Retention
- Student Access
- Pathways
- Teaching and Learning
- Credentials Attainment
- Emerging Technology/AI
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Economic and Workforce Development
- Research and Development
- Data Access and Analytics
Proposals submitted should be:
- Limited to 100 words
- Benefits-oriented (What will participants learn/gain by attending the session?)
- Written using the third-person point of view (Ex: “The participants will learn….”)